Ethna PEAR Channel Server

Registering the channel:
pear channel-discover
Listing available packages:
pear remote-list -c ethna
Installing a package:
pear install ethna/package_name
Installing a specific version/stability:
pear install ethna/package_name-1.0.0
pear install ethna/package_name-beta
Receiving updates via a feed:

Ethna - Ethna PHP Framework Package

Ethna Web Application Framework

Install commandpear install ethna/Ethna
LicenseThe BSD License
MaintainersSotaro Karasawa (as lead)
Releases2.6.0beta2011102522 (beta), 2.5.0 (stable)

Smarty - PHP Template Engine

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation from application logic.

Install commandpear install ethna/Smarty
MaintainersMonte Ohrt (as lead), Andrei Zmievski (as lead)
Releases2.6.26 (stable)

Smarty3 - PHP Template Engine

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation from application logic.

Install commandpear install ethna/Smarty3
MaintainersMonte Ohrt (as lead), Andrei Zmievski (as lead)
Releases3.1.8 (stable), 3.1.4 (stable)

simpletest - Unit testing, mock objects and web testing framework for PHP built around test cases.

The SimpleTest PHP unit tester.

Install commandpear install ethna/simpletest
Maintainerslastcraft (as lead)
Releases1.1.0 (stable), 1.0.1 (stable)

The PEAR Channel Server is proudly powered by Pirum 1.0.5